List of Selected Best Practice Cases
Stories From All Corners To Start With
Nineteen Stories About Innovations from European Innovation Support Agencies in Agriculture and Rural Development, at the Start of the AgriSpin Project
Eelke Wielinga and Sjoerd Robijn, Editors
What can be done to create the space where initiatives for innovations can flourish? This is the Central question in the AgriSpin project, bringing fifteen partners in twelve European countries together with a shared ambition: to learn from each other and with each other. Stimulating innovations at farm level is for each of the partners a part of their job. This means that all the partners have their own experience. Stories they are proud of. Stories with puzzles. Stories with cliff-hangers. Achievements they are proud of. Struggles they have gone through. Pearls to share and puzzles for which we hope to find solutions.
This book is a collection of these stories at the start of a discovery journey that will take two-and-a-half years: the duration of the AgriSpin project. Each partner has written at least one story. The result provides a most interesting inside look at the diversity of practices in the different corners of the European Union.
During the AgriSpin project the partners will visit each other and try to understand how things work under particular circumstances in other European countries. At the end of the project period, the second volume of this book will be made. What stories will be collected by then? Will they be significantly different from this first volume? What will appear to be the pearls that inspired others to implement changes? For what puzzles did we find solutions? And what can be said about the contribution of this project to innovation theories?
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