
Every participating country in the AgriSpin project is the host of a Cross Visit – an across-the-border-meeting – where all partners meet to evaluate the host country’s best practice cases for innovation. In other words, during a Cross Visit the innovation systems are explored on-site. All relevant material from the Cross Visits is published here.

The final methodology for the AgriSpin Cross Visits has been completed

The final methodology for the AgriSpin Cross Visits is essentially a manual for the Cross Visit Method, i.e. a guideline for how to conduct a successful Cross Visit. A step-by-step manual is attached to the report.

Read the report

Please download the report to read about The Cross Visit Method – An Improved Methodologic Approach

The Report On the First Cross Visits

The report on the first seven Cross Visits contains general information regarding the Cross Visits, the case studies in a standardized overview as well as with the characteristics of the cases.

Read the report on the first seven Cross Visits.

The Report On All Cross Visits

The second report presents the factual information on the complete series of Cross Visits. The report answers questions regarding the description of the innovation, the actors/roles within the innovation, the role of the support service, the factors of success and failure, regional particularities, specific recommendations, and lessons that can be generalized.

Read the second report on all the Cross Visits.

Recommendations After the Cross Visits

After the Cross Visits, the AgriSpin partners have been digesting what has been learned from the encounters and have used this harvest as a basis for a discussion about proposals for change with managers and other key actors in the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS).

The recommendations mark a moment in time on the AgriSpin partners’ ongoing journey. The case studies are still being analysed for a deeper understanding of what matters most in innovation processes and the interventions of support agents. The recommendations serve as one of the inputs for the partners’ ongoing dialogue.

Read the recommendations.

The Cross Visits