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The European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI) works to foster competitive and sustainable farming and forestry that “achieves more and better from less”. It contributes to ensuring a steady supply of food, feed and biomaterials, developing its work in harmony with the essential natural resources on which farming depends. The EIP-AGRI was launched in 2012 to contribute to the European Union’s strategy “Europe 2020” for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The EIP-AGRI website is a one-stop-shop for agricultural innovation in Europe.
EIP Agri thematic networks
HENNOVATION is one of the thematic networks funded under Horizon 2020. Using the laying hen sector as a case study, the project will demonstrate the potential for practice-driven innovation networks to develop practical cost-effective solutions to sustainability challenges. Beyond the laying hen sector, HENNOVATION results are expected to inspire and support other livestock sectors and to contribute to the European Innovation Partnership for Agriculture.
ERIAFF (European Regions for Innovation in Agriculture, Food and Forestry) is a network consisting of 30 member regions and 19 observer regions. The goal of the network is to improve the performance of the EIP network by acting as facilitators of information flows on innovation in agriculture, food and forestry and by providing a link between stakeholders across their territories and actors in the European Union. The ERIAFF network also aims to develop interactional Operation Groups which are already linked to one another by common priorities and goals.
Association of European Regions for Products of Origin (AREPO) is a network of regional governments and producer associations that deals with products of origin. AREPO aims to promote and defend the interests of producers and consumers of European Regions involved in the valorisation of quality food products. In relation to regions AREPO’s goal is the development of Geographical Indications and Quality Products as tools for rural development and territorial planning. On behalf of producers, AREPO strives to secure a guarantee of good income conditions for producers. For the consumers, AREPO wishes to ensure appropriate communication and accurate information. The network now represents 27 European regions and over 400 associations of producers.
EUROMONTANA is a European association whose objective is to further the cooperation and development of the mountain areas of Europe. The goal is to ensure that the lifestyle and the quality of life in the mountaineous regions of Europe is kept alive and improved.
European Forum for Agricultural and Rural Advisory Services (EUFRAS) is a network of agricultural advisors and extension agents across different European regions and countries. The objective of EUFRAS is to connect agricultural and rural advisory services (RAS) in Europe. The exchange of knowledge, views and working practices ensures that members improve the efficiency of their own services offered for farmers or other rural partners. EUFRAS members also benefit from cooperation in international projects and the information exchange an RAS-topics as well as from EUFRAS representing advisory services on the European level.
Internationale Akademie land- und hauswirtschaftlicher Beraterinnen und Berater (IALB) was founded in 1961 as a union of advisors in Germany. Since then, IALB has grown to include members from 13 different European states. The main objective of IALB is to ensure the promotion and the development of agricultural advisory services through education, knowledge sharing and projects as well as to ensure the future of the family-owned farming business.
With offices and networks across the globe, the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) ensures that the organic voice is heard on both a regional and global level. The organisation’s goal is to ensure the worldwide adoption of ecologically, socially and economically sound systems that are based on the principles of Organic Agriculture. IFOAM pursues several courses of action, anchored in five Strategic Pillars which unite organic stakeholders, advocate long-term social and ecological change, facilitate production and trade, assist organic development, and train the next generation of leaders. Today, IFOAM is a global association with about 800 affiliates in 120 countries.