
Final Framework for Selecting Best Practice Cases for Innovation and for Conducting the Cross Visits

The scientific team of AgriSpin has delivered the analytical framework on which the Cross Visits are based.

The conceptual framework aims to facilitate the exchange of existing knowledge on innovative approaches in agriculture, agricultural supply chains and rural areas.

By summarizing and drawing conclusions from the reviewed literature, the scientific team of AgriSpin proposes operational definitions and an understanding of terms and concepts relevant for the AgriSPIN project.

Content of the report

The research teams’ reflections on what constitutes crucial words, concepts and topics for AgriSpin are organized into three sections. They highlight:

  • a structural perspective on innovation components (chapter 3)
  • a dynamic perspective on innovation components (chapter 4) and
  • a selection of concepts related to innovation support services (chapter 5).

Read the report

Please download the report to check out the conceptual framework of AgriSpin.